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Change Log - Prey system fixes
Slugar on Test
39 Royal Paladin
on 2021-02-06 12:39:20
Prey system fixes
- Monsters that are on list with your activated prey will no longer be blocked on another prey slots (EXCLUDING ACTIVATED PREY)
- Players with monster names won't be counted for prey damage reduction / boost anymore
Pan Dedex
99 Royal Paladin
on 2021-02-06 15:56:50
Prey Changes
I think that more important is match more or less monsters in pray list to level of character, because for what when I'm 80 lv i can use pray for rotworms or trolls?
Persona Non'Grata
44 Master Sorcerer
on 2021-02-07 12:23:27
I agree with Pan Dedex, and should be removed such weak monsters as
Elephants, Badgers, Rats etc etc...
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