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Announcements - Facility issues & upcomming updates!
GOD Slugar on Destiny
866 Sorcerer
on 2022-08-18 16:41:17
Facility issues & upcomming updates!
Yesterday, Facility players did a first attempt to finish Warzone II boss with a success, with this place we would love to congratulations for everyone who participated in. However, due to our fault - we've forgotten to implement "Crushing" items as a possible rewards for killing the boss two of players (Wojownik Zpoludnia and Magiczny Maagus) has received Imperial items (Imperial Axe and Death Mage Rod) instead. Due to the fact that there is a lower chance to drop the Crushing items - in consultation with these two players who received a reward we have reached a conclusion that we will return ONE Crushing item (Crushing Wand) for Magiczny Maagus.

We are really sorry for the issue that happens yesterday, we promise to put more effort into creating and maintaining the server and hope that such issues won't happen anymore. We hope that you understand our decision, which was hard to take.

We want to inform you aswell, that you may expect some updates of the both servers Eternity and Facility soon! Please be patient!
Dziesiec Minut Sztywno
425 Elite Knight
on 2022-08-18 23:53:32
23:52 You see a crushing axe+7 (Atk:65 Def:29, axe fighting +4).
It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 200 or higher.
It weighs 340.00 oz.
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